Hi everyone
BAG has finally moved with the times and from this month our Newsletters will be taking on a new digital format. We hope that you will adapt to the change more quickly than the Editor has, in getting his head around this modern technology!
We are waiting with great interest for Council to release its latest plans for the Blackwood Hub Development (Library and Community Centre) and the proposed commercial/shopping development and pedestrian plaza on the western side of Drakes Supermarket.
The innovative plans for Wittunga Botanic Garden, announced recently, really capture the imagination and will hopefully come to fruition without too much delay. Wittunga Botanic Garden is an iconic destination in Blackwood and, appropriately upgraded with new attractions, should really put Blackwood on the Tourist map.
Blackwood Action Group (BAG) continues to grow from strength to strength and as you can glean from the articles in this Newsletter, there are plenty of plans in the pipeline.
On behalf of the BAG Committee I would like to welcome all new Members and also thank our willing volunteers and supporters for their contributions over the past year.
Geoff Bartlett
BAG Secretary and Newsletter Editor
WEDNESDAY 23rd OCTOBER from 7.00pm
At the Blackwood Memorial Hall, 21 Coromandel Parade
It’s our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING featuring:
Presidents 2019 Annual report
Treasurer’s Financial Report
Election of BAG Office Bearers for 2020
GUEST SPEAKER: Brenton Ragless – Channel 9 News Presenter
Topic: “Growing up in Blackwood”
A light supper will be served after our Meeting. This is the last General Meeting for the year.
Upcoming BAG Events
It seems that with the arrival of Spring our diaries begin to fill up more quickly! Listed below are BAG-related events and activities planned for the rest of the year. As usual we cordially invite you to join us at any of our functions/working bees etc. which interest you. NEW MEMBERS are always welcome. More information on the BAG Web site or Facebook page.
“RED BOWS” WORKING BEE - Saturday 19 October | 1pm - Blackwood Memorial Hall
BAG AGM - Wednesday 23 October | 7PM - Blackwood Memorial Hall
WITTUNGA “BLITZ” - Saturday 2 November | 8.30AM to 12.30PM – At Wittunga Botanic Gardens, followed by light lunch
CORO STATION WORKING BEE - Thursday 14 November | 9.00am - Coromandel Station
BUNNINGS SAUSAGE SIZZLE – Saturday 16 November | 9AM to 4PM – Bunnings Edwardstown
BLACKWOOD STATION WORKING BEE AND BBQ Lunch– Sunday 24 November | 9AM – Blackwood Station
RAIL CARE’s “THANK YOU” LUNCH – Saturday 7 December |12PM – 3PM – National Railway Museum, 76 Lipson Street Port Adelaide
BAG’s CHRISTMAS BREAK-UP DINNER – Wednesday 11 December – 7PM – Blackwood Memorial Hall
The following COMMUNITY EVENTS have come to our notice. We encourage you to support these local activities where possible.
“GLORIA OPERATICA” HILLS CHORAL SOC. CONCERT - Sunday 20 October | 2.30 pm – Blackwood Church of Christ, Cnr. Waite St and SHR.
BLACKWOOD CENTRE DPA CONSULTATION - Monday 21 OCTOBER | 10 am to 12 noon - Blackwood Community Centre
CORO. VALLEY ROTARY PLANT SALE - Saturday 26 October | 8.30am to 2.30 pm – Waite Street Reserve
BLACKWOOD ROTARY CHRISTMAS FAIR - Sunday 10 November | 9 am – Karinya Rotary Park, Shepherds Hill Rd, Eden Hills
REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY - Monday 11 November to 11.00am - Blackwood Roundabout
CRAIGBURN & THE PARK WARD COMMUNITY FORUMS - Monday 18 November | 7pm – Blackwood Community Centre
CAROLS at KINGSWOOD OVAL - Saturday 30 November | 5pm to 9pm – Kingswood Oval, Belair Road
RED BOWS . . . . .
Christmas is just around the corner as if you needed reminding! BAG will again be asking residents and Traders to purchase packs of Red Bow material and tie the Bows around their letterboxes, trees, car port posts. shop veranda posts etc. This will be the 18th year Blackwood’s streets have been adorned with the festive Red Bows.
A special Working Bee to prepare the Red Bow packs for sale is organised for SATURDAY 19th OCTOBER at the Blackwood Memorial Hall (front Studio Room) 21 Coromandel Parade commencing 1.00 pm. Afternoon Tea will be provided.
If you would like to be part of the action and assist with this great community concept, please call Joan or Adrian Beech (Project Coordinators) on 8278 6796 or 0419 814 461 ASAP.
The Red Bows packs (containing enough material for two large Bows) will again be available from Monday 11TH DECEMBER at HABITAT Blackwood (Foodland S/C) , FAIRLEY’s Shoex (Woolworths S/C) and SAM DULUK. MP’s Office in Young Street. COST is still only $5.00 per pack. We invite you to join in the Christmas Spirit.
WEDNESDAY 11th DECEMBER COMMENCING 7.00pm at the Blackwood Memorial Hall “Studio Room” 21 Coromandel Parade. COST – only $15 per head (includes drinks and a delicious meal plus Christmas cake! You are invited to join us for an informal fun night to celebrate another great year for BAG - and our great Community.
PLEASE RSVP to BAG SECRETARY (email: geoffrey_bartlett@bigpond.com) by FRIDAY 6th DECEMBER (for catering purposes)
The third Blackwood Christmas Tree Festival will be held in the Blackwood Community Centre on SATURDAY 7th DECEMBER and SUNDAY 8th from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm both days.
A wonderland of decorated Christmas trees, beautifully crafted by various local community groups, businesses, schools and individuals, they will be on display in the Blackwood Community Centre, along with other Christmas decorations related to our sub-theme of caring for our natural flora and fauna created from natural or recycled materials. Visitors can view the magical display for a gold coin donation.
It will be an exciting weekend adding to the fun traditions of the Blackwood Pageant, Waite St Reserve Fair and Christmas Markets.
Don’t miss this opportunity to promote your business or club to the Mitcham Hills community and help raise funds for BEACON and Minton Farm.
FRIDAY 6th DECEMBER commencing 6.30 pm (corner of Main Road and Gulfview Road Blackwood)
This iconic Blackwood Event, said to be the second largest in South Australia, is organised by the Blackwood Lions Club volunteers. The procession travels down Main Road to Young Street, turns right and then enters Waite Street before ending at the northern entrance to Waite Street Reserve where the Coromandel Valley Rotary Club will be holding its traditional Christmas Fair after the Parade. It is a night not to be missed – a great Blackwood experience with lots of fun, food and entertainment.
BAG will be conducting its traditional Sausage Sizzle (in the north west corner of the Reserve) so please pop along to our stall and say “Hi” – and grab a sausage!
The LIONS’ MART cnr Main Rd & Chapman St Move forward 31 years ..... The new ALDI in 1988 (formerly Read’s Milk Depot) Supermarket nearing completion
BLACKWOOD is classed as a suburb these days but it wasn’t that long ago that it was referred to as a “country town”. Speak to any older residents who have lived in the area for 50 years or more and most will be able to reflect on the many changes that have taken place in their time.
There are far too many examples to list in this article but, through the engagement of BAG’s History Sub Committee and our friends at the Coromandel Valley & Districts National Trust, it is quite apparent that there is much interesting history in the Mitcham Hills area. With this in mind, we hope to bring you some of these stories in future newsletters.
With the construction of the new ALDI Supermarket nearing completion we thought an image of the site in 1988 was worth a comparison with the modern building that is currently being erected. The Blackwood Lions’ Club operated their “Lions’ Mart” from a large galv. shed at the rear of the Chapman Street corner. Today, most residents would be aware of the popular Lions’ Bargain Centre on Colebrook Drive Eden Hills (off Shepherds Hill Road) which is well worth a visit! The Centre is open EVERY SATURDAY from 8.30am to 12.30pm and is staffed purely by volunteers.
As a matter of interest the Blackwood Lions Mart commenced in 1957 as a fund-raiser for victims of the devastating Tasmanian bushfires at that time.
The Working Bee conducted at Blackwood Station on Sunday of the long weekend was a roaring success. Eleven volunteers pitched in and so much was achieved. The gardens are looking in great shape now.
The final Working bee for 2019 at Coromandel Station will now be held on THURSDAY 14th NOVEMBER (re-scheduled from Saturday 2nd November when a “Wittunga Garden Blitz” is being held).
If you are “retired” and would like a pleasant day in the garden, please feel free to join us in the northern car park of Coromandel Station at 9.00am. We aim to finish by 11.00am.
The current raging bush fires in New South Wales, and those recently experienced in northern NSW and South East Queensland, should serve as a strong warning message to ALL residents living in the Adelaide Hills.
We are surely kidding ourselves if we believe that, because we have not been threatened by a major bush fire since Ash Wednesday (16 February 1983), we are immune to any future catastrophic events. Complacency is our worst enemy!
NOW is the time when you should be considering a Bushfire Plan so that you and your family know exactly what to do on those days declared as extreme or catastrophic fire risk. It is also the time when you should be undertaking the necessary fuel and hazard reduction work around your property.
Mitcham Council has agreed to provide FREE Green Waste disposal for their ratepayers at their Lynton Green Organics Drop Off Facility in Beagle Terrace, Lynton. Click here to view when the dump will be open.
For further information on “Living in a High Fire Prone Area” log onto the Council website: www.mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au or the CFS website: www.cfs.sa.gov.au
PLEASE NOTE: The date for the last Working Bee at BLACKWOOD STATION has been re-scheduled for SUNDAY 24th NOVEMBER. Commencing at 9.00am as usual, we intend “knocking off” at 11.00am approx for a BBQ LUNCH in the Station Master’s rear yard.
We invite ALL our garden volunteers to join us on this occasion (ie. Coromandel and Blackwood Station workers plus our volunteers involved with other “greening projects” around Blackwood.
A Mitcham Council Community Forum for our two Hills Wards will be held on MONDAY 18th NOVEMBER commencing at 7.00pm. Pre-registered questions to be received by Council no later than 5.00pm on Friday 8th November. Questions can be emailed to communitywardforums@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au. Please ensure you send council your question(s) one week before the meeting to allow time for an answer to be collated.
NOTE: A further drop-in Information Session on the Draft Growth Precincts including Blackwood as part of the draft Planning & Design Code will be held at the Community Centre BEFORE the Ward Community Forum from 6.00 pm to 7.00pm.