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BAG Newsletter - August 2023

Updated: Feb 15, 2024

WARM wintery greetings to you all. We hope you are managing to cope with the cold and wet weather we have experienced recently. The countryside looks very green and lush – even the soursobs are relishing the conditions! Without wishing to be too pessimistic, the forthcoming bushfire season could be of real concern.

As you can see from Reports in this Edition BAG volunteers have not been idle since May and we have been delighted with the support shown for new events on the ‘drawing board’.

Our next Public Meeting is scheduled for WEDNESDAY 23rd AUGUST in the Blackwood Memorial Hall, Studio Room 21 Coromandel Parade commencing at 7.30pm – see details below (and attached).

As always, an invitation is extended to everyone who is appreciative of the work BAG and WRAG volunteers contribute to our great community to join any one of our varied interest groups mentioned or come along to our Public Meetings as advertised below, or on our social media pages (BAG Website and Facebook). You will be made to feel most welcome.

Warmest regards

Geoff Bartlett

BAG Secretary and Newsletter Editor


Wednesday 23 August from

7.30pm @ Blackwood Memorial Hall - 21 Coromandel Parade Blackwood


WOULD you like to know more about:

  • What you can and cannot recycle?

  • Why recycling rules are different for different Council areas?

  • What can you do to maximize your recycling efforts?

  • Who is involved in recycling materials?

  • What happens to all the stuff you place in the green bin?

To answer all these questions, and many more, please join us at our FREE Community Forum commencing at 7.30pm (details above). An Environmental Services Officer from KESAB and Mitcham City Council’s Waste Management Officer will be there to provide information – and answer any of your questions.

The Forum will also be BAG’s Public Meeting (although this will be very brief). It will be followed by tea, coffee and a light supper where you will have the opportunity to chat to like-minded people and get answers to any questions that you forgot to ask in the Forum.

If further information is required, please contact Bernie Morgan on 0447 212 278


  • Blackwood Station Working Bee - SUNDAY 6th AUGUST | 9am to 11am

JOIN our friendly bunch of garden volunteers in the northern car park of the Station precinct when we will be weeding, pruning, and doing a general clean-up of the beautiful gardens. The “West Bank” gardens, bordering Station Road, may also need a bit of attention. At the conclusion of the work-out a light Morning Tea will be in the Station Ticket Office.

  • Christmas Tree Festival Registrations Close - FRIDAY 18th AUGUST - See details below

  • BAG Recycling Forum - WEDNESDAY 23rd AUGUST

  • Coromandel Station Working Bee - SATURDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER | 9am to 11am

MEET fellow keen gardeners in the northern car park for some serious weeding and pruning of the winter growth. All garden tools, visi-vests, gloves etc. will be provided. Join us for a light morning tea on the station platform following the work-out. All Welcome.

  • Blackwood Station Working Bee - SUNDAY 1st OCTOBER | 9am to 11am


BAG was established in 2009 by a small group of like-minded residents who were concerned about the apparent derelict and unkempt appearance of the streetscapes around Blackwood’s shopping precincts. Volunteers met regularly to do clean-ups in Supermarket car parks and Waite Street Reserve and paint out graffiti tags which were quite prevalent at the time.

This activity has been ongoing, and we venture to say that the overall appearance of our “village” has been given a real lift and even the incidents of graffiti has dropped significantly.

We were greatly encouraged when we were recently approached by a young St. Peters College student (William), who has been a regular attendee at our two railway station working bees, with his parents and two younger siblings, suggesting he was interested in organising a “Clean Up Blackwood” event. The Activity was to be his contribution to a Year 11 School Student Service Award.

A few dedicated BAG volunteers joined William and his family and some school mates, on Sunday 9th July picking up a considerable amount of litter along Main Road – from the Roundabout to Hungry Jacks’. The 4 Supermarket Car Parks and Waite Street Reserve were also included in the clean-up venture.

Everyone agreed that it was a worthwhile and productive experience and, as a reward for their effort, all participants were invited to join in a tasty free BBQ - with sweets to follow. Many pedestrians we encountered along the route expressed their appreciation of a job well done.


A very dedicated group of volunteers braved cool conditions on Sunday 30th to clean up Woodlake Drive Reserve in Craigburn Farm.

The Group’s leader, Angela Hills, commented that they were impressed there wasn’t a huge amount of litter, however there was an enormous amount of fallen branches and debris in the waterways. They now plan to lodge a “Click and Connect” Report with Council, to arrange collection of this material.

A big “thank you” to the WRAG Members, and Mark, Carolyn, Brett, and Jennifer for all their help.

Volunteers shared a most enjoyable afternoon tea, following the event. The Group is looking forward to inviting the local Community to their next Clean-Up, said Angela.


THIS was another first for BAG. Following the cancellation of our traditional Christmas Dinner/end-of-year Break-up last December, the Committee decided to hold a “Christmas in July” Dinner on Friday 21st. It turned out to be a very popular decision with 48 BAG supporters joining in the informal night of celebration.

The Event was held in the very appealing Belair Hotel’s warm and cosy Function Room, and all agreed we were well looked-after by the Hotel’s kitchen and waiting staff.

We were privileged to have our Local Member for Waite, Catherine Hutchesson, MP., Mitcham Mayor, Dr. Heather Holmes-Ross, and Rail-Care’s Scott Bailey (Coordinator of volunteer garden groups across the Adelaide Metro network) join us, and all said a few words in appreciation of BAG’s ongoing commitment to working for our great community.

Our IT “guru”, Cr. Tom Morrison cobbled together quite a few photos of various activities undertaken in the past 18 months plus some before-and-after shots which highlighted so many improvements around Blackwood – many initiated by BAG.

Our special thanks to The Belair for their assistance in planning the event and to all the BAG supporters who came along to help us celebrate. A Merry Christmas to all!


THE artworks adorning the Stobie poles along Shepherds Hill Road and Coromandel Parade have been widely accepted since their introduction in December 2020. Over 80 local artists have contributed to the project since that time, creating about 250 murals.

With the Tour Down Under scheduled to travel through Blackwood next January (see article below) we see this as a golden opportunity to add colourful murals to the Main Road Stobie poles – from the Belair Hotel to the Edward Street/Carr Street intersection.

Hence this appeal to all mural artists who have contributed in the past, and any new budding artists, to consider painting one or two murals on cement boards (to be provided FREE by BAG - along with paint colours of your choice).

There is no “theme” for your work, but many past contributions have been inspired by the native flora and fauna which abounds in our area. Maybe images depicting some local historical reference could be considered (steam trains for example).

If you would like to find out more about this project please don’t hesitate to contact us via our website!


IT is time to register your interest as a participant in this year’s Christmas Tree Festival to be held in TIWU KUMANGKA (the new Blackwood Library/Community Centre complex on Young Street) on the 8 -10 December.

  • Have some fun creating and decorating a tree!

  • Promote your group or business!

  • Help us build on a Blackwood tradition and create a sense of Christmas magic!

  • Help us support two local charities: CFS and the Lions’ Hearing Dogs Project!

Registration Forms can be collected from Habitat Blackwood (in Drakes S/C) or access the BAG Website ( by Friday, 18 August.


A GOOD roll-up of BLACKWOOD Station volunteers met on the first Sunday in June and devoted all their time to weeding the garden area along the pathway to the “Red Hens” enclosure, and picking up many dead branches that were brought down in the November 2022 storm.

It was a superb effort and many of the group were shouted to a coffee at Bracegirdles afterwards. Many thanks Kay.

The next BLACKWOOD Working Bee will be held on SUNDAY 6th August (details under “Diary Dates” above)

COROMANDEL Station garden volunteers met on Saturday morning 1st July, weeding the ARTC platform garden (opposite the commuter line platform). The many gardeners who attended managed to fill 3 green waste bins with weeds and created a big pile of cuttings from the large shrubs and small trees that had really taken over after the good Winter rains. Meanwhile President Brian was busy with his brush cutter tidying up the healthy growth of weeds on the footpath at the Woodleigh Road (western) end of the Station.

As usual Lis provided cups of tea and coffee (and yummy nibbles) under the Station shelter to say “thanks” to all the helpers.

The next COROMANDEL Working Bee will be held on SATURDAY 2nd September - details above


THE exciting news, just announced, is that the TDU will be traversing the Mitcham Hills next January. The Women’s Stage 3 Event will be run on Sunday 14th January and the Men’s final Stage 6 Event will be held a week later, Sunday 21st January.

Both Events will be starting on King William Road Unley and the riders will head up Belair Road to WINDY POINT. From there they will follow MAIN ROAD from the Belair Triangle through BLACKWOOD and COROMANDEL VALLEY to Clarendon and onwards. You can view the route maps on the Santos TDU Website

BAG sees both these Events as a wonderful opportunity to showcase Blackwood “on the World Stage” and we will soon be seeking further suggestions and support from Elected Members of the 3 levels of Government representing our great Community.

With the imminent opening of the new Blackwood Library/Community Centre complex we anticipate the TDU will add considerable interest, not only for our local Community, but also many visitors to our area. Let’s hope some exciting plans will be made to encourage many people to not only witness these two great Events but will spend some time around Blackwood - in our many eateries/coffee shops and other Businesses, or maybe taking in the natural beauty of Wittunga Botanic Garden or the Belair National Park - right in our midst!

Watch this space ………


¾ Cup sugar

1 tblspn. Marg, or butter

1 small cup boiling water

1 beaten egg

400 gms. mixed fruit

2 cups S.R. flour (280 gms.)

chopped dried apricots

Lemon Zest


Place sugar, salt, butter, and fruit in basin, covered with boiling water. Stir, and allow to cool, then add beaten egg and S.R. flour. Place in paper-lined greased tin and bake at 160c. (fan-forced) for approx. 30 mins. When cool, ice with lemon icing, slice and serve buttered.


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