Hello to all Friends of BAG
As we prepare to say farewell to what seemed a very long Winter and welcome the warmer days of Spring, it has brought home our long-held belief that we not only live in the best country in the World and the best State in Australia but….one of the best locations in Adelaide! Blackwood still has that old country town feel about it but also boasts a great caring community. How lucky are we?

BAG has managed to carry on as normal and there always seem to be new challenges emerging. Never a dull moment! In the following pages you will see a few examples of current BAG activities - and plans for future.
As always, an invitation is extended to anyone who appreciates the work that BAG carries out and would like to volunteer, to please get in touch. In so doing, you will have the opportunity to make new friends - and be richly rewarded by contributing to our great community.
Please check out the BAG WEBSITE or follow us on FACEBOOK for relevant contact details. You will be made to feel most welcome.
Kind regards
Geoff Bartlett
BAG Secretary and Newsletter Editor
We have just been informed that PAULINE DODD has been nominated for a Westfield Marion Local Heroes Award. Well done Pauline. This is a wonderful opportunity for BAG to win a $10,000 Grant for local community projects and we encourage you to please lodge YOUR vote by Monday 30th August.
If you could also ask some of your family members, relatives, and friends to participate too we would be most grateful. Every vote counts and it only takes 30 seconds!
Wednesday 25th August
7.00 pm @ Blackwood Memorial Hall, Studio Room - 21 Coromandel Parade Blackwood

Cr. Lindy Taeuber, a very loyal supporter of BAG, has kindly agreed to be our Guest Speaker. Lindy will be able to provide us with an update on a variety of topics currently in the spotlight including:
The new Blackwood Hub
The James Road intersection
Carrick Hill developments
Craigburn Farm exits onto Cumming Street
Traffic and development issues around the district - the Blackwood schools, other local major intersections, the proposed new Child Care Centre, Wittunga Botanic Garden, the Blackwood Rec. Centre
Representation review. The re-drawing of Council’s Ward boundaries
Special Character Residential areas
At this stage we will be able to run our meeting almost as normal - but please remember to wear a mask! We hope you will be able to join us on the night with a gold coin donation.
This year has seen the transformation of Shepherds Hill Road. All the poles on both sides of SHR have now been allocated, and with the warmer, and drier, weather approaching we are looking forward to installing many more artworks very soon. Watch this space……..

Construction of the new Sturt Lions Football Club’s Clubrooms and pitch, next to Karinya Reserve skate park, are well under way. How impressive will this facility look when finished?
BAG’s Stobie pole murals have certainly lived up to our expectations and our thanks must go to the individual local artists (over 50 at last count!) who have contributed such vibrancy to this main approach road to Blackwood. We have also engaged with the Blackwood
Reconciliation Group who have arranged for an Indigenous artist to paint murals for the poles adjacent to the Colebrook Reconciliation Park
A lot of our artists are keen to produce more images and so we are now about to prepare poles down Coromandel Parade (from the railway bridge to Cumming Street). We are constantly being approached by other residents with artistic talent, seeking our approval to become involved. Overall, it has been a wonderful community-driven project which has been receiving wide acclamation.
Thank you to all our willing volunteers who have contributed in so many ways.
Whilst we are only in August, already some local Christmas events are being cancelled/ postponed. We are still waiting on a decision regarding the popular Lions’ Blackwood Christmas Pageant.
The Waite Street Reserve Fair run by the Coro. Valley Rotary Club, which normally follows the Parade, has been cancelled (due to the planned commencement of construction works on the new Library/Community Hub which will impact on the Reserve).
The impending closure of the Blackwood Community Centre (in Young Street) has meant that alternative arrangements needed to be made for the Christmas Tree Festival (now planned from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th December).

The Festival Coordinator, Pauline Dodd, has negotiated with the Blackwood Uniting Church to hold the Event in their premises this year - for which we are truly thankful. A huge amount of work goes into the planning for this popular Event.
Why not get involved?
>> Attend the FREE Twig and Vine Christmas Workshop - Sunday 10 October | 1:30PM to 4:30PM @ Blackwood Community Centre - CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS
>> Register to display a tree at the Christmas Tree Festival! CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

Whatever the future holds in respect to the COVID crisis, BAG’s Christmas Red Bows will again be available to display around Blackwood in 2021 to add to the festival spirit and contribute some colour and vibrancy to the main road approaches.
Plans are in progress to hold a Working Bee in October to cut and package the material.
We will be seeking volunteers to assist with the bow’s preparation nearer the date.
Our next Garden Working Bee will be held on SATURDAY 4th September – commencing at 9.00am. We will be working in the Station gardens for two hours before partaking in a light Morning Tea on the platform.
Roger Agius (our chief contact in the Rail Care Program) has invited a few Senior Staff from Keolis Downer Adelaide to join us - so we would really appreciate a good roll up!
As usual, all garden tools, gloves, visi vests etc. will be provided. Hope to see you around 9.00.
At our last Working Bee we managed to plant a few Aligoyne bushes along the platform fence and attend to a bit of pruning. The gardens have responded very well due to the lovely Winter rains)
If you are a regular train commuter (or reside near one of the stations in our precinct) you will have noticed the improvement in the appearance of both these stations. On a daily basis guys from Spotless (the KDA maintenance contractors) call into all stations on the Belair line and not only empty the bins, clean the Blackwood toilet, paint over any rare graffiti tags, but also blow all the platform areas and adjacent car parks. We are indeed grateful for their contribution.
>> The next Blackwood Station Garden Working Bee is scheduled for SUNDAY 3rd OCTOBER commencing 9.00am.

In our May Edition we mentioned we were very hopeful of getting the Federal Government’s approval for our Grant Application. Regrettably, we are still waiting on word from Canberra, having complied with all their requests by dotting the many i’s and crossing the t’s. It is ‘all systems go’ at this end, so we are now continuing to play the “waiting game”. Patience is a virtue.
We have been informed by Nicolle Flint’s Office that there should be some positive news very soon. We are most appreciative of her support. Keep watching this space!

BAG wishes to acknowledge the ongoing support of Miles Badcock, the Editor of our local newspaper, The Blackwood Times. From January 2014, Miles has kindly agreed to publish local historical articles produced by BAG’s History Sub Committee.
The 2021 articles celebrate the generosity of past residents and the legacy they have left for us to enjoy. With the imminent demolition of the present Community Centre on Young Street, as part of the new Library/Community Centre Hub construction, it was thought appropriate to provide some history of the original Young Street site and the creation of the original Senior Citizens Clubrooms and Waite Street Reserve.
For a good read make sure you get a copy of the September Edition of the BT from a local Supermarket, Newsagent or one of over 35 local businesses.
VOLUNTEERING is an important part of an inclusive society in which all of us have the opportunity for meaningful participation. Volunteering connects us, strengthens our sense of belonging and creates positive relationships that build stronger local communities.
South Australia has a long history of volunteering, and the value of volunteering contributes directly to the health and wellbeing of individuals, our communities, and the economy of our state.
Volunteering keeps our communities and organisations working together. It maintains the quality of life in our communities by meeting critical local needs and enables individuals, families, and community groups to offer essential support and enhance their future potential.
BAG originally started in 2009 with a small band of volunteers calling themselves “BLACKWOOD PRIDE Garden Gnomes” , and this was their motto …….
SOME people WANT it to HAPPEN
Some WISH it would HAPPEN
We think that philosophy is still relevant today
