WELCOME to South Australia – “the Sunshine State”! (sorry Queensland).
And whilst we are at it - surely Adelaide should now put in a claim for Victoria’s motto, “The Place to be”!

Adelaide’s weather, by comparison with the huge “rain storms” endured by Sydney and Brisbane (and parts of the entire East Coast) for the start of 2022, has been quite abnormal too - but just “perfect” , with mild temperatures throughout our entire Summer …… and no bushfires!
Whilst we may complain about the lack of rain - Blackwood having only received about 75 mms for the past 5 months, (compared with an average of 220 mms over the past 5 years!), By comparison, Sydney has copped approx. 1420 mms over the same period! Our hearts go out to all those people who have suffered beyond belief following those devastating floods!
On the same topic, a joke arrived in my IN box yesterday which seems quite appropriate in today’s climate.
It stated –
“The King of Spain has been quarantined on his private jet……… That means the reign in Spain stays mainly on the plane”
As the year progresses, we have already seen some important changes around our area and thanks to BAG’s many willing volunteers we believe 2022 will be one to remember. Reports on some of these plans and other items of interest are covered in the following pages.
If you appreciate the work which BAG contributes to our Community, an invitation is extended to join us in any one of the many activities and/or Events promoted below and advertised on our Facebook page or website. You will be made to feel most welcome.
Kind regards
Geoff Bartlett
BAG Secretary and Newsletter
Wednesday 25 May from
7.00pm @ Blackwood Memorial Hall - 21 Coromandel Parade Blackwood
GUEST SPEAKER: Ms. Catherine Hutchesson, MP.

OUR SINCERE congratulations are extended to Catherine on her recent Election victory as the new Member for Waite. Catherine is “a local” – having grown up in Glenalta and lived in the Mitcham Hills for over forty years and she is involved in the Upper Sturt CFS and Upper Sturt Soldiers Memorial Hall.
You are cordially invited to join us at our first Public Meeting for 2022 to hear of Catherine’s background and attachment to our area, and what plans she has - moving forward in her new and exciting role as our local State Representative.
A light supper will be served following our brief general meeting.
We are pleased to advise that this year’s State-wide History Festival will be proceeding as planned following the revised Covid restrictions.
You can see the full list of History Festival activities devised by BAG’s dedicated History Sub Committee here. All activities apart from the following two are FULLY BOOKED:
BELAIR NATIONAL PARK - “Off The Beaten Track”
Find out more about these fantastic activities here >> www.blackwoodactiongroup.org.au/history-festival-2022
From Corner Store to Café is also offered as a self-guided tour, with brochures available at Bracegirdles, Cafe 1923 and Sheoak Café or via our website.

7th MAY – COROMANDEL STATION WORKING BEE – 9AM to 11AM - Meet in the northern car park. You are invited to join us for a general clean-up of the station surrounds and some regular garden maintenance work. All garden tools, visi vests, gloves etc will be provided so just “rock up”! Light refreshments will be available - after the event.
4th JUNE – “FASHION PARADE” at BLACKWOOD UNITING CHURCH 1.30PM to 4.30PM - In support of Ukrainian Refugees arriving in South Australia.
5th JUNE – BLACKWOOD STATION GARDENS WORKING BEE – 9AM to 11AM - Meet in the northern car park (rear of Stationmaster’s shed) for two hours general clean-up work – nothing too onerous! You are invited to stay on afterwards for a yummy morning tea in the Ticket Office.
Raising funds to support Ukrainian refugees to S.A

BLACKWOOD ACTION GROUP invites you to attend a Fashion Parade to be held on 4 June commencing at 1.30pm, to raise money to support Ukrainian refugees coming to South Australia.
Money is very much needed for things like school uniforms and fees, translation of official documents, bus fares, basic food and clothing.
The event will feature fashions from local boutiques Kohl & Soda, Accolades and Hills InStyle as well as Habitat, Fairley’s Shoex, Intersport and the recycling shops.
Guests will be served a glass of bubbly on arrival and a delicious AFTERNOON TEA
Raffle tickets have been included in the ticket price of $30 – an opportunity to win one of many prizes supplied by a host of local Businesses.
Tickets are available from Fairley’s Shoex, Habitat Blackwood and the Waite Electorate Office. With only 140 tickets on sale, you will need to be quick! Why not gather a group of friends for an enjoyable afternoon in the Blackwood Uniting Church – at the roundabout.
THE Blackwood Action Group (BAG) joined with thousands of other Australians from right around the country on Sunday 6th March, as part of the Clean Up Australia event. It was the 13th year BAG volunteers had participated in this worthwhile environmental initiative when we “cleaned up Blackwood”!
Twenty-seven volunteers, including two children, undertook to pick up litter from large sections of Main Road, Shepherds Hill Road and Coromandel Parade including the various car parks and Reserves along the way. In total 16 large bags of rubbish were collected (including 72 discarded face masks and 55 soft drink containers).

The general consensus, from the regular “collectors”, was that they believed there was a reduction in the volume of material picked up this year. A good sign perhaps that some people are getting the message.
After the three groups eventually returned to the base they were treated to a delicious BBQ brunch and sweets in the former Stationmaster’s rear yard – courtesy of BAG.
BAG as just received notification that a Grant Application we submitted to the Federal Government last year, was successful. This has allowed BAG to pursue the opportunity of purchasing some public seats for Blackwood.

The substantial money we have received will pay for two “ANZAC DAY commemorative seats” to be installed behind the soldier at the Blackwood Roundabout (see photo). The two existing seats, together with three new “Esplanade” seats, will be installed along the western side of Coromandel Parade, from Johnson Parade to just past Grand Boulevard (north) and on the Main Road verge – just north of the Aldi supermarket. The sites chosen are nice and shady.
BAG wishes to thank the Federal Government and the City of Mitcham for their support in this worthwhile community project. We believe that the seats will be greatly appreciated by the many pedestrians who walk to and from Blackwood’s shopping precincts.
We are hopeful that all the seats will be installed by the end of June.
FURTHER to BAG’s major project in 2021 when we were able to have two photo display boards and a local history board installed at the top lookout of this popular tourist destination, more action has taken place recently.

The long-overdue resealing of the top car park was undertaken last month along with new concrete kerbing on both sides. Check it out sometime – we think you will be most impressed. Many thanks to Mitcham Council for attending to this upgrade.
BAG hopes to see further improvements undertaken in the near future to make Windy Point a “must visit” destination for the many tourists to our great State.
THE City of Mitcham has finalised the design of the Blackwood Community Hub and approved a contract to commence construction.
The two-storey Blackwood Community Hub, with views over the Waite Street Reserve, will offer a public library, toilets, children’s areas and an integrated toy library on the ground floor and exciting new spaces and services on the second level including a community kitchen, outdoor seating area, gallery space, community meeting rooms, maker space and digital lounges.

In addition, the final design will also include a second lift and permeable paving at the Young Street car park. It is anticipated to be completed by mid-2023.
Councillor, Lindy Taeuber, said “This project is part of an exciting initiative to revitalize and improve the Blackwood Centre. Our, and the communities’ vision, for the heart of Blackwood is becoming a reality with the Blackwood Community Hub and Waite Street Reserve to be linked to Shepherds Hill Road by a new north-south pedestrian walkway”.
A final stage of the project will be to secure funding to improve and upgrade both Waite Street Reserve and Young Street.
Construction of the north-west car park at the corner of Edward Street and Waite Street is under way, scheduled to be completed by May 2022.
WITH the demolition of the old Community Centre imminent BAG was fortunate to be offered the healthy Nandinas and Clivias which have long adorned the entrance to the building.
Over the Easter weekend BAG volunteers dug up these plants and transplanted them at Barty’s Park, in the Drakes’ Supermarket car park. They have certainly added a bit of colour to the pocket park.